About PEM

Perinton Ecumenical Ministries, Inc. Logo

What is PEM?

photo of the advent housePEM is the 501c3 non-profit corporation associated with Advent House. PEM consists of 13 member churches, each of which supplies a representative to the PEM Board of Directors. The PEM Board serves both the Advent House ministry and the churches by providing oversight and two-way communication.

Advent House

Advent House is a non-profit comfort care home that provides an alternative living arrangement to the terminally ill when they can no longer be cared for in their own homes. Loving care is not only provided to them, but to their families and friends as well. Bereavement services are made available to residents’ families for at least thirteen months after their loved one has died. There are no fees to residents, and Advent House receives no insurance reimbursement of any kind. While volunteers are indeed “the Heart of the Home”, the house could not function without the support of the local community through donations of materials, finances, time, prayers and participation in and support of fundraisers. Advent House staff and volunteers are always accessible to the community as a resource for information or support and welcome phone calls or visits.

Glenda Hastings
Advent House
Ray Wager
Advent House
Finance Committee Chair & PEM Treasurer
Vicki Deady
Advent House
Development Coordinator
Laurie Eisele
Advent House
Volunteer Coordinator



Major Advent House Fundraising Events

  • Dinner Dance and Auction (March)
  • Golf Tournament (mid-September)

Sweet Charity Resale Boutique & Shop

sweet charity resale boutique & shop logo

650 Whitney Road, Fairport, NY 14450
(585) 364-0317   Email at: sweetcharityfairport@gmail.com

Proceeds from Sweet Charity Resale Boutique & Shop will provide consistent, year-round income for Advent House and allow the Advent House to remain a calm and comforting place for our residents and their families and friends.

Sweet Charity replaces the annual Garage Sale and your donations of requested items in the very best of condition are the key to this mission! Please refer to the Donation Guidelines to guide your generosity! We hope you will like us on Facebook, Sweet Charity Fairport, and sign up for our email list here.

DONATIONS ACCEPTED at STORE LOCATION on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10am-3pm